10 Ways God On The Net Can Help You
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Unlock Life's Secrets to Rich Living. |
Apply the Wisdom of the Ages (discretion and prudence) to everyday challenges: family, relationships, career, finance, health, etc.
Free yourself from worry, fear and doubt, fill yourself with courage, faith and wisdom. |
Identify your ultimate purpose, and to recreate your life to be in total alignment with your purpose. Define yourself by your values and intentions, not by others expectations. |
Identify, nurture, and share the Special Gift God has given you. |
Discover and apply God's ground rules for successfully living "the abundant life" Jesus promised (John 10:10). |
Optimize your ability to take pleasure in God's creation; people, nature, art, music, literature, etc. |
Become more fully "alive," living life with purpose, passion, joy and power; as opposed to the intellectual vacuousness, emotional numbness, spiritual lethargy and lack of direction afflicting so many others.
Create new ways to fully experience God's love, comfort, encouragement, support and wisdom, as expressed through over three thousand years of Judeo-Christian wisdom tradition. (Psalm 145:17-20) |
Enjoy true peace, prosperity, pleasure and the purpose, passion, power and productivity for which God created you. In other words, live life with joy and enthusiasm! |
Finding the Missing Peace...
Virtually all faith traditions and certainly Christianity teach that God created you as the most awesome and complex being on the face of this earth. So how can our life be so messed up, empty, and unfulfilling? Why do we keep making the same poor choices? Why can't we get in control of our life? What's missing?
For one thing, we were never given an "instruction manual" at birth.
So, the question is just how do we operate this wonderful, marvelous, super complicated, delicately balanced, one-of-a-kind machine? Most of us don't have a clue. And for the rest of us it takes us forty or fifty years of trial and error to figure it out. By which time we are usually too exhausted to do much with the information, assuming we are still alive and healthy.
Without an instruction manual or a copy of the Ground Rules, life can be like giving a 10 year old a supersonic aircraft for Christmas--and telling him "it's all yours"-so take a joy ride. The first thing he does, of course, is to crash and burn. Many of us have done exactly this, time and time again, flaming out, sometimes with terrible casualties for all aboard (i.e., our family, friends, co-workers).
This site is dedicated to providing you with your very own instruction manual for life - much of it inspired directly from God in ancient Hebrew Scriptures Unlocking Life's Secrets and Wisdom of the Ages. We do not claim that we are perfect or that we have "all" the answers. We can promise you however, that we are committed to working hard in applying these principles in our lives, not just for ourselves, but so we can be a encouraging, nurturing and empowering source for you and all those we come in contact with. 
If you are looking for a religious head trip, church or a guru to tell you what to do, somebody you can abdicate all your thinking to, someone to think for you, we suggest that you keep on surfing!
If you're truly seeking life's
secrets to successful living in peace, prosperity, purpose, passion,
productivity, and pleasure, if you're determined to fulfill the
destiny God created you for-we're here for you. |