distills Lewis' reflections on the collapse of western civilization and the way to renew it.
Kreeft shows that Lewis, and particularly Lewis' book The Abolition of Man, offers deeply prophetic words for our time. Using this major work of Lewis as the focus of this book, Kreeft summarizes Lewis' philosophy of history and evaluates our era from that standpoint; gives a defense of the Natural Law (or objective values) as the absolute sine qua non for the survival of civilization; summarizes Lewis' refutation of twenty alternatives to it; then fleshes out Lewis' hopeful conclusion in The Abolition of Man, a conclusion that gives a new and humane world view for mankind.
Kreeeft's reflections on Lewis' thought provide profound insights into the single most momentous question of our desperate times. This book, like Lewis' Abolition of Man, should appeal to all men of good will and sound mind who are looking for light and hope in our age of darkness.