Primer on Postmodernism
By Grenz, Stanley J.
ISBN: 0802808646
Rapids, Michigan: William
B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1996
Description: |
camera focuses on a futuristic spacecraft against the background
of distant galaxies..." |
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Foundationalism. Shaping Theology in a Postmodern Context
By Grenz, Stanley J. and Franke, John R.
ISBN: 0664223257
Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster
John Knox Press, 2001.
Description: |
is in a time of transition and ferment, partly as a result of
the collapse of the categories and paradigms of the modern world..." |
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a review for Beyond Foundationalism |
is for Abductive
By Sweet, Leonard
ISBN: 0310243564
Rapids, Michigan: 2003 |
Description: |
method: Start with abstract principles and build toward concrete
reality..." |
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a review for A is for Abductive |
By Sweet, Leonard
ISBN: 0805421378
Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman & Holman,
Publishers, 2000 |
Description: |
image of the church as a boat and tradition as an anchor is prevalent
in Christian art. If we examine the biblical view of an anchor
we are to cast our anchor into the future and pull the church
forward. Postmodern pilgrims must strive to keep the past and
the future in perpetual conversation so every generation will
find a fresh expression of the Gospel that is anchored solidly
to "the faith that was once for all delivered." |
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a review for Post Modern Pilgrims |
Myth of Certainty
By Taylor, Daniel
ISBN: 0830822372
Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1992
Description: |
IS A REFLECTIVE CHRISTIAN, and why does it matter?..." |
By Tomlinson, Dave
ISBN: 0310253853
Rapids Michigan, Zondervan, 2003
Description: |
believe in the God of the Bible-but you cringe when church leaders
oversimplify, trivialize, and absolutize the faith. |
You're not alone. You're likely among an increasing number of
post-evangelicals: Christians growing restless within the bounds
of the evangelical orthodoxy they were raised in or trained in-especially
its culturally-influenced precepts and mores-and thirsting for
something deeper. Something that makes sense.
Author Dave Tomlinson encountered these same issues in Great Britain as he approached
the writing of The Post-Evangelical. He quickly discovered that many in the church
are hungering for a safe place to express their questions, doubts, and insights
without being branded "liberals" or-worse yet-"heretics."
Far from skewering its subject, The Post-Evangelical actually endorses steps
toward rather that away from the roots of evangelicalism-while stridently challenging
its man-made rules and regulations that have, for all intents and purposes, become "gospel."
A best-seller and paradigm-buster in the U.K. for several years, we now present
the expanded and updated North American edition of The Post-Evangelical. It includes:
. A forward by Dallas Willard and an updated introduction.
. Sidebar commentary from Mark Galli, Timothy Keel, Doug Pagitt, Mike Yaconelli,
and Holly Rankin Zaher.
. A completely new chapter on the history of evangelicalism in the U.S.
If you've wandered from the evangelical fold-publicly or privately-you're not
necessarily a backslider. Spend some time with The Post-Evangelical and be encouraged. |
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The Next Reformation
Why Evangelicals Must Embrace Postmodernity
By Carl Raschke
ISBN: 0801027519
Baker Academic, 2004 |
Description: |
A wonderfully surprising treatment of postmodern philosophy in relation to evangelical theology. |
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A Generous Orthodoxy
By Brian McLaren
ISBN: 0310257476
Zondervan, 2006 |
Why I Am a Missional, Evangelical, Post/Protestant, Liberal/Conservative, Mystical/Poetic, Biblical, Charismatic/Contemplative, Fundamentalist/Calvinist, Anabaptist/Anglican, Methodist, Catholic, Green, Incarnational, Depressed-yet-Hopeful, Emergent, Unfinished CHRISTIAN |
Description: |
"You are about to begin an absurd and ridiculous book..." |
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A New Type of Christian
By Brian McLaren
ISBN: 078795599X
Jossey-Bass, 2001 |
Description: |
From Library Journal
McLaren, pastor and author of The Church on the Other Side, proposes that postmodernism is the road to take in order to move on from the current stalemate between conservative evangelical and liberal Christians. His books are part of his activist work to promote "innovation, entrepreneurial leadership and a desire to be on the leading edge of ministry." Here he has adopted the fictional tale of an earnest, very conservative pastor who has become so burned out in his church life that he is planning to quit the pastorate. Instead, he makes friends with his daughter's science teacher, who leads him to an enthusiastic embracing of postmodernism as applied to the Christian message. In this fictional conversation, McLaren describes this process as a journey of Holy Spirit-guided faith "through the winds and currents of change." His conservative pastor character comes to accept the Bible as a premodern text that presents its message in story and does not have to conform to our modern expectations. The book's attention-grabbing format is an effective mode of presenting McLaren's ideas. |
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The Story we Find Ourselves In
By Brian McLaren
ISBN: 0787963879
Jossey-Bass, 2003 |
Description: |
From Publishers Weekly
McLaren's A New Kind of Christian set the evangelical community abuzz in 2001 by exploring weighty ideas about faith through the vehicle of fiction. In his gentler follow-up, which intentionally reads more like an extended conversation than a gripping novel, McLaren brings back as protagonists pastor Dan Poole and spiritual guru (and now certified naturalist and tour guide) "Neo" (Neil Oliver). "Sometimes, I think the Bible is more of a question book than answer book; it raises questions that bring people together for conversation about life's most important issues," muses Neo. Using the device of Neo conversing with spiritual seekers, including an Australian woman who is battling cancer, McLaren tackles age-old questions about Christianity, including, "Before the beginning, what was God doing?" The conversations discuss the relevance of other religions, the authenticity of miracles and the work of Christ on the cross. The backdrop of the Gal pagos Islands provides Neo the opportunity to discourse on creation, evolution and a Christian's responsibility to care for the planet. McLaren's characters' awe of Neo can be wearing at times, as when Dan reflects, "What Neo explained next was so fascinating that I could hardly sit still." McLaren tends to overuse parentheses-there are seven sets on a single page-and some portions of text feel inserted, rather than well-integrated. However, like the first volume, this book offers an excellent opportunity for Christians to rethink why they believe what they believe.
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc. |
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The Last Word and the Word After That
By Brian McLaren
ISBN: 0787975923
Jossey-Bass, 2005 |
Description: |
From Publishers Weekly
Pastor Dan Poole returns with another personal and theological crisis in this final installment of McLaren's A New Kind of Christian trilogy, which again features fictional characters engaged in nonfictionish theological dialogue. This time around, Poole has been granted an extended leave of absence from his conservative church as it investigates what it believes to be his liberal theological leanings, especially regarding the doctrine of hell and salvation. In rather predictable fashion, Poole finds himself questioning his own beliefs about hell and God's goodness, and just as predictably, Poole's friend Neo gently shepherds Poole away from the traditional doctrine of hell by pointing out that salvation is not just an individual matter but a communal one as well. Once Poole reaches some personal level of understanding about these doctrines through his reading, the church committee miraculously clears him of all charges and, after some emotional meetings, asks him to return to the pulpit. In the end, Poole finds comfort God's goodness and love, but by then readers may have been disappointed by the book's flimsy characters and simplistic insights. Although McLaren has justly earned a reputation for provocative postmodern theological observations, this doesn't live up to his standard. |
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