Find something good today!
God Nuggets, Issue 2
Be grateful for the "little things."
During one rough period of my life, I dreaded each new day - because I knew I'd be working with unpleasant realities, truly messy and depressing situations which would not simply clear up over night.
During this time I resolved to practi ce really being thankful for anything good, or encouraging that happened - even if "the other nine" were still unpleasant. And of course, I prayed to God that He please send me a smidgen of good news that day. To my surprise it really worked! "Small things", like a friend just calling to keep in touch, or a kind note from another friend, really brightened my day. Other things related to our business began to happen too - somebody actually paid their bill (wow), and a vendor with whom we disputed their bill, decided we were right (double wow)!
It wasn't that hard to find at least one thing each day for which to be thankful. Gradually the number increased and my problems were successfully resolved.
Of course I spent 12 hours a day striving to make something positive happen on the "big picture", but what encouraged me to go on, was focusing on and being grateful for the "little things" that occur daily.
If I'd done nothing but whine, go into paralysis and be "a victim" - I might not have generated any positive reality and would not have been in a mood to appreciate the good things that came to me without any effort on my part.
by C.V. Doner
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