A Smile Can Change Your Day!
God Nuggets, Issue 3
Want to shake that inertia, self-pity, anger, or low mood?
Then do something different. Almost everyone knows that our thoughts create our emotions which in turn influence our behavior and of course our mood. But what most don't know, is that the principle also works in reverse!
Researchers have discovered that by changing your physical behavior for twenty minutes, jogging, brisk walking, or just smiling (even with a false cheerfulness) will bring about the corresponding emotions (i.e. energy, enthusiasm, joy, etc.). It seems the old cliché "going through the motions," if they are the right motions, really does bring about change. As one of our favorite authors (see our book section) Tony Robins likes to say (in so many words) it's literally impossible to remain in a bad mood for long if you wear a big smile on your face. Conversely we might add, it's hard to get in a good mood walking around with a frown. Try a lethargy breaking physical activity today and let us know what happens.
by C.V. Doner
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