Mood Shift: Stop Thinking About Yourself
God Nuggets, Issue 8
From time to time, everyone gets into a funk--a "Woe is me; I'm a victim!" pity-party. Mad at ourselves, others, God, the world or all of the above, we start obsessing about ourselves or our little problems.
Once you decide you've sufficiently met your need for self-flagellation, here's a sure-fire way to break out of the doldrums : Shift your focus from yourself and your needs to someone else and their needs . Listen to their story. What can you do to encourage or help? (Think about sharing wisdom, books and resources, even articles from God On the Net!)
To free your mind of obsessing on your own issues, go help someone else. You'll be amazed at how small your problems appear when you discover what others are up against. Warning: Mutual empathy is fine, but don't get involved in a mutual pity-party. Listen, then suggest some positive action-or at least encourage others on!
If you don't have any friends or acquaintances who are hurting (as unlikely as that may be), visit a needy soul at an orphanage, jail, senior home, battered women's center, homeless shelter or hospital. Enter their world (and help serve them in some way-even listening), and you'll quickly put your life into perspective.
Most important of all, when you help someone else - when you really make an effort-you simply won't have the time to obsess on your own shortcomings or ill fortune .
by CV Doner, PhD
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