Don't Worry...Be Happy
Fresh Start , Issue 19
Practical tips for happiness
Putting the lyrics of this popular song by Bobby McFerrin in practice is more easily said then done. But why not try? Jesus asked us whether worry could actually change anything in our day. Then he sagaciously pointed out that each day contains enough challenges of its own without us adding more possible challenges from the future.
In other words Jesus taught us to take one day at a time, and that worrying about tomorrow will guarantee that we're miserable today! Eastern religious teachers call this "being here now" in other words - live in the present - not the past or the future.
Here are a few helpful tips.
1. Whatever you're concerned about - do your very best to prepare - and leave the rest to God. When you think about it that's really all you can do! Visit our prayer forum and you can have hundreds of people praying for you today.
2. Think about all the things you have worried about in the past - how many have actually happened? My guess is less then five or ten percent. Relax.
3. Only focus your thoughts on the concerns that you can really do something about. It makes no sense to worry about things that you have little or no influence over, unless of course you just enjoy worrying, which many people seem to do.
4. Set your worries aside and concentrate your energy on what needs to get done right now - today.
5. Make some "space" for yourself to develop a plan of action or a more positive perspective - or both. Make a list of all the good things in your life.
6. Become more aware of your surroundings as you go through your day. The people, colors, smells and small delights. In other words take time to "smell the roses."
7. This one is a must. Get up right now and do something different other than worry. Pray. Read your Bible or something inspirational. Try reading a number of articles from our Life Lessons section or from our Foundations for Success sections. Everything on God on the Net is designed to inspire and help you. Find out what God's special gift is or what your ultimate purpose is.
8. Exercise. Take a brisk walk. Call a friend or counselor. Go to a movie. Quit talking to yourself about how bad things are or could be. When you pray visualize the results you want (you can find out how to do these by taking our free eSeminar on prayer)
by CV Doner, PhD
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