Life is Not a Dress Rehearsal
Fresh Start , Issue 20
Having a long term plan to improve your life
situation is great; but life itself is only lived in the moment.
So begin making every moment count.
De layed gratification can be good discipline, as well as the key to a successful career (i.e. put off the partying until after you achieve your degree, promotion, goal, etc).
However some people seem to put their dreams or life's ambitions on permanent hold. I'll get married when I (make $100,000 a year)
I'll spend time with the kids when (I get my next promotion)
I'll complete my degree when (I don't work so much)
I'll be happy when
You get the idea. Of course "when" never comes because "when" is right now, today. Your life is unfolding right now. So stop procrastinating about doing what God has placed in your heart to do. Get a fresh start in your life today by doing what you truly enjoy and value by using your God-given gifts in whatever role God has led you to (your vocation)--the same area you have the greatest love and passion for. You don't have to wait to begin experiencing the joy of fulfillment right now.
Bottom Line: Having a long term plan to improve your life situation is great; but life itself is only lived in the moment. So begin making every moment count. At the end of the day you'll feel like you're really living instead of just treading water.
by CV Doner, PhD
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