You Deserve a Break
Fresh Start , Issue 21
It seems many of us are working tw enty-four seven - especially when one includes taking care of family members, the house, the yard and the exponentially increasing list of errands, etc.
One of the ten commandments "God gave" ancient Israel was to take a break one day a week - they called it a Sabbath. According to the Bible's creation account in Genesis, God even set the example for us by "resting" on the seventh day after creating the cosmos. Here's a few tips on how best to use your Sabbath:
1. Don't fill it up with activities, even fun ones, which leave you tired or drained.
2. Get the kids taken care of (at least fo r a few hours) so that you can have some peace and quiet.
3. Think about the meaning of your work. Enjoy its completion as you do it. Whether it's washing the dishes, taking the garbage out, straightening out the closet, managing a major project, typing all day for your boss, handling customer complaints, or whatever. Review your week from God's perspective. Did you make a difference in someone's life, or in some way contribute to making the world around you better? This could be as simple as just being nice to someone you meet or talk to this week.
4. Gain peace in the midst of your hectic schedule by seeing it through God's universal eternal perspective.
5. Restore God's priorities in your life.
6. Define, refine and visualize your future intentions and commitments.
7. Recharge physically, spiritually and emotionally. Rest, read, reflect, listen to relaxing music, etc.
by CV Doner, PhD
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