Spiritual Power Tips
Fresh Start , Issue 29
By Leonard Sweet PhD
Don't read the Bible. Let the Bible "read" you. Ju st as we end scripture readings with "Amen," try to begin every scripture reading with this refrain: "This text is being fulfilled today even while you are listening" (Luke 4:21 NJB) Hear and see how the words of these texts are coming true in your life.
Let the scriptures play themselves out in your life. Marinate your mind in sacred Scriptures so that you become an instrument of the scriptures rather than using the scriptures as an instrument.
Live a trial-and-success life. Let your motto be "If you do it, they will let you." Or as the postmodern adage puts it, "It's easier to ask forgiveness than seek permission." The kingdom of Hollywood - where directors who lose hundreds of millions on a film that flops are "rewarded" with another contract - is not the only place where failures fall upward. Try the kingdom of heaven.
Live your life as story. You have no idea what the next page will bring. Better yet, live your life as God's story. Soak your soul in the scriptures to the point where you can even anticipate what the next pages and chapters might bring forth.
Prophesy your way forward. Instead of looking before you leap, leap before you look - trusting God's promises to be true.
Start each day with these words: "Today, in every action I take, in every word I say, I am going to love God with everything in my soul."
If I make that an honest prayer and honest intent (sometimes that's a big "if"), the transformation of my day is indescribably delicious. Then I know I'm really playing.
Excerpted from Learn to Dance the Soul Salsa by Leonard Sweet PhD. This book is available for purchase from our online bookstore.
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