Just like your childhood--when you break the rules you get
God Nuggets, Issue 3
Stern Discipline awaits him who leaves the path; he who hates correction will die. - Proverbs 15:10
Breaking the ground rules of life has consequences: frustration, failure, rejection, confusion, illness, depression, poverty, and death, to name a few. The goo d news is we can actually benefit from our mistakes (which is the purpose of "discipline"), if we will learn from them, and try not to repeat them (this is the meaning of repentance).
God 's ground rules have a built-in "discipline dynamics," when we violate the ground rules we experience negative consequences. When we do poor work - we suffer! When we're inconsiderate, or mean to others, they return the favor. When we're lazy, we're poor, when we steal; we go to jail, etc.
The consequences, if we're paying attention, act as discipline to disciple/train us to follow the rules. When we discipline a child (or a pet), to train them in proper conduct, we are (or should be) quick to point out the connection between breaking the rules and punishment.
So we need to learn God's principle of cause and effect - that certain actions cause unpleasant consequences.
by C.V. Doner
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