Accepting Discipline Brings Success
God Nuggets, Issue 4
"It is a badge of honor to accept valid criticism." Proverbs 25:12 (Living Bible)
When we break the ground rules, we set in motion negative consequences which serve to discipline (teach) us, only if we are open to "receiving the discipline"--meaning we take responsibility for how things turned out (even if it wasn't all our fault)--and r esolve to act differently the next time and get back on the "path."
Refusing discipline (or not learning from our mistakes) brings failure.
The person (or fool) who insists on ignoring life's lessons, willfully violating God's ground rules and defying reality itself will "die" emotionally, spiritually, and even physically (as we witness the astounding number of deaths due to various addictions). These are people who chose to ignore discipline.
Read about "Creating your Character..." on God on the Net
by C.V. Doner
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