Wisdom - What is it, where do I find it?
God Nuggets, Issue 5
Finding wisdom (Proverbs 2:1-20)
Wisdom is essential to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The Bible depicts wisdom as the secret to a long, peacefu l, and prosperous life. Wisdom teaches discretion and patience. The ability to make wise (common sense) decisions. When you think about it, it's our poor choices that are the source of 90% of our problems (You choose your career, education, spouse, business relationships and friends. You choose how to relate to everyone in your life; you choose how to train your children; you choose how to take care of your body, etc.).
So how do we find wisdom? The wisdom book of Proverbs tells us to "search for it as for hidden treasure." What would you do if you knew there was "hidden treasure" in your backyard? You'd sift ve ry carefully through every inch of the ground until you found it. It would become your new top priority. You'd be excited to make every effort to continue your search. Likewise, one who seeks wisdom must search daily, not only from the wisdom of the ages in the Bible and other ancient sources, but from reading extensively, and thinking about what you read. Does it make sense? Is it true in your experience or observation? The book of Proverbs (ch. 2) tells us how to start: by learning God's "ground rules" for living until they become part of our lives without even thinking about them. Begin reading today and pray that God will guide you to His wisdom. For further reading go to Ground Rules on God on the Net.
by C.V. Doner
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