Simplicity and Prudence
God Nuggets, Issue 9
How did I get here?
Ever ask yourself that question? Many people fumble through life w ondering how they arrived where they are today. They have good values and goals: to lose weight, to be honest, to make a comfortable living, to be more organized, etc. However, they never seem to fully achieve many of these goals. They may impulsively try all the new fads--trendy diets, exercise equipment, success books, etc.--but never realize how these decisions affect their goals and values. They often assume that if they just "use this product" or "try this new method" they will accomplish their goals.
It's natural to hope that the easy way will work, but too often it only sets us back. By taking the easy way, many of us use our resources in a way that actually pulls us further away from our goals and values. By the time we realize it, we're already set in our detrimental patterns. We can learn a valuable lesson by comparing the simple and the prudent ways of going about life.
"A simple man believes everything, but the prudent man carefully considers his ways." Proverbs 14:15
Let's look at the "Prudent" man who "carefully considers his ways." Although both the prudent and simple have great goals and plans, the prudent think through how to go about them. For i nstance, if a woman wants to lose weight and have life-long health she must consider whether it would be better to try different diet plans, videos and "magic" diet pills or if she should begin eating better and exercising for the rest of her life. Certainly the first set of options may show results more quickly; in the long term (which is part of her goal) making a life change would be the more prudent choice.
Those who are prudent consider what they wish to accomplish today, this week, this year, ten years from now and then, instance by instance, ask themselves: will this decision/action move me closer to my goal or farther away? In other words, they ask: is this action in line with my values?
Although the Simple and the Prudent may hold the same values and goals, one "believes everything" while the other "carefully considers his ways." The Simple use up all of their resources in scattered directions, not realizing that their actions are in conflict with their values. The prudent, on the other hand, focus their resources (physical, mental, emotional, and financial) on things which will contribute to their short and long term goals. As a result, they are able to continue moving forward in their values and accomplish their goals.
As k yourself: Do I consider my ways? Do I know why I'm at my current job? Should I really order that "get rich quick" kit off the infomercial, or is there a wiser way to make money? Will a "magic diet pill" really solve my weight problem? Do my actions and decisions "line-up" with what I want to accomplish in life?
by Andrea Higham
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