What does it Profit?
God Nuggets, Issue 10
"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" - Matthew 16:26
Since most of us aren't really trying to take over the world (or even a major conglomerate) we tend to dismiss Jesus' warning. Perhaps we think it applicable to Donald Trump, Hollywood moguls, Wall Street barons, politicians- or the guy down the street with a bigger house and two new cars - but certainly not to ourselves.
Let's not let ourselves off the hook so easily. To gain the world is simply a metaphor for self-absorption. Many of us are largely absorbed in "our world" - whether it's the world of family, sports, business, self-pity, self- aggrandizement, civic causes or perhaps even church.
What Jesus is warning about is our natural tendency to become so exclusively focused on our own little "world" that we lose sight of why we were created. We need to enjoy and care for God's good creation, experience God's love and presence in our lives and share God's compassion and wisdom with others.
Bottom line: Be fulfilled in pursuing success in "your world." But not at the expense of forgetting your larger purpose in God's world.
by C.V. Doner
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