Losing Your Soul
God Nuggets, Issue 14
" What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul ?"
- Matthew 16:26
Let me shine a light on a different aspect of this oft-quoted teaching of Jesus on "losing" our souls. I'd like to suggest that many of us already are disconnected from our souls-those eternal parts of us, imparted to us by our creator-- our true "heavenly identities."
Instead of living our lives on "soul" power-deeply rooted in God's love-instead of identifying ourselves with our blissful and eternal state, we identify ourselves with our minds. And, in turn, our minds, driven by our unquenchable egos, are almost always in states of discontent: fear, anxiety, lust, envy or blind ambition . An acronym that thoughtfully defines EGO is "Edging God Out" (of our lives) . This constant striving takes place as the ego attempts to win for itself more security, recognition, power, pleasure, etc.
When our minds/egos are in control, we tend to forget we're spiritual (soulful) creations, which is why we can be so easily provoked to irritation, anxiety, anger, or depression.
So, how do you know whether you tend to relate to the world as "I am my mind" as opposed to "I am my soul?" Here's a simple test . In an argument or discussion (particularly involving your opinion or interpretation of the truth or accuracy of something like religion, politics, business, or just a set of circumstances) how important is it for you to be right? Does it bother you, even "anger" you, to be disputed? Will you do anything to "prevail" (avoid the discussion, attack or otherwise "disqualify" your opponent)? If so, it may be because you identify yourself as your mind, (which always seeks to be right so it can survive.) To admit being wrong is "death" to the ego, which is why so many people react irrationally when their perceptions of reality are threatened.
On the other hand, if you identify yourself as an eternal creation of a loving God, it doesn't really matter whether you're right or wrong--does it? You decide! by C.V. Doner
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