Accepting What Is
God Nuggets, Issue 19
"There is no use thinking of what might have been" - Ecclesiastes 1:15
In this scripture Solomon also tells us that along with not being able to change the course of certain events, one of the things we can't change is the number of "wants" that we may have that may not be answered in the way we desire. Solom on talks about "man's" wants as being virtually unlimited in number. This, again, is human nature. Most of us want things that we can't have: the perfect relationship, the perfect body, an unrealistic level of popularity, to never make mistakes or be wrong, the brightest mind, the absolute certitude of knowledge about our faith, etc., but these will elude our grasp. Thus another key to long term happiness and contentment is simply realizing many of our wants will not be filled, at least the way we may expect. God often has a way of answering our needs in ways that are not only unexpected, but in fact look down right disastrous at the time. Only upon later reflection do we realize that the broken relationship, the terminated employment, the disruption of our plans turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Bottom line: never mind how and why, many things just "are." They will not be changed in your lifetime. You can continue to grouse about your own satisfaction or you can accept life "as is."
by CV Doner, PhD
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