God Nuggets, Issue 20
"Worry robs you of happiness but kind words will cheer you up." - Proverbs 12:25
Many of us complain that we've lost joy in our life, or we're not as happy as we'd like to be. The ancient Hebrews knew that even back then-when life was 99% simpler than it is today-that worry was the major killer of joy. Worry has become second nature to most of us, so we don't realize when or how much we worry. Like "white noise," it's always in the background. We worry about everything: our hair, the kids, the bills, our weight, our boss, our clothes, our employer or co-workers, our health, our age, what everyone thinks about us and so on. It was Jesus who provocatively put the question to us: "What good can worry possibly accomplish for us?"How does it really help us? Well, of course it doesn't.Here's the key - worry is an internal conversation within your own head. We talk ourselves out of our joy as we listen to our own negative dialogue. Start replacing these negative thoughts and words with positive thoughts and encouraging words such as: yes I can do it, it will turn out fine and soon things will be better. Take every negative thought "captive" Monday through Friday and replace it with a positive affirmation. See if your week begins to feel like you're on vacation from worry.by CV Doner, PhD
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