You Reap What You Sow
God Nuggets, Issue 23
"One reaps what they sow" - St. Paul to the Galations (6:7-10)
The popularized eastern concept of Karma is also well known to people of the Judeo-Christian tradition. The apostle Paul warned, "You reap what you sow." In other words, you get what you give. Dish out resentment, hatred, and anger and what do you get in return? Love, understanding, and kindness? Probably not. "Sow" with manipulation, control, or dishonesty and notice how resentment, rebellion and retribution grow in your experience. "Payback" is more than a movie staring Mel Gibson. It is a principle of life. That is why the New Testament's most prolific writer Paul instructs us, "therefore as you have opportunity, do good to everyone."
Likewise, we get to "harvest" our "cultivation" in other areas of our life. So lethargy, carelessness, or laziness reaps poverty, unemployment and failure. Allow yourself to tune out your family, have apathy toward your community and disinterest in others' needs, and you'll find yourself numb, lonely and a victim of "life's circumstances." The illustrations are legion but I think you get the idea.
Take a hard look today at what you are "sowing" in life: your attitude, the example you set for your kids (by your behavior), the choices you make (or avoid), your work habits, the energy you express, what you constantly tell yourself about anything and everything, etc. Then see if you can predict what kind of harvest your future holds. by CV Doner, PhD
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