Learning to Love God and Use Money
God Nuggets, Issue 24
"No one can serve two masters. You cannot serve God and Mammon [money, possessions]." - Matthew 6:24
T he message seems to be: You can't make a lot of money and serve God, "So I'm broke, but spiritual." Nonsense! Money is not the issue here. The point Saint Matthew is making, is about integrity and priorities. If our top priority is to gather riches at any cost, then every other value will suffer (our spiritual and family life as well as our integrity). Clearly we cannot serve God by loving (caring for, encouraging) others or by making a positive contribution to God's world, if our first priority is to worship at the alter of the almighty Greenback.
However, if our first priority is to serve God, then producing wealth becomes a powerful way to serve by:
- Acting as a role model of excellence and integrity to other business people;
- Mentoring others in the wisdom and techniques of achieving financial success with integrity;
- Celebrating the marvelous creative gifts God has blessed you with;
- Using your expertise, success and reputation to contribute your time and skills to church, community and neighborhood;
- And saving the best for last: Giving a significant portion of your wealth to support those people, organizations, and ministries that are truly doing God's work and making a difference in your community and world.
When money is clearly a tool to enable you to fulfill your destiny, to make a contribution to the betterment of God's world, then it serves God. If making money is simply for your own satisfaction and enjoyment, then you will end up serving only yourself.
by CV Doner, PhD
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