Walking Our Talk
God Nuggets, Issue 27
All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. - Proverbs 14:23
When someone says of a person, "She really walks he r talk," we hear that observation as a compliment. That person is seen as successful in life because her actions align with the principles and beliefs she voices.
Such people may not be well known; may not have material wealth, and in fact, often have endured great suffering and hardship to act in accordance with their convictions. So what enables them to commit to walking their talk, especially in a world that can seem commitment-challenged at times? The simplicity of our proverb says it all: they have discovered how aligning words with deeds enriches the spirit .
W estern culture is big on talk. We have talk radio, talk television, blog sites on the Internet where we can "talk" as often and as long as we wish. Talk without an accompanying commitment to act on our words, however, can be an empty exercise. There may be an initial rush in the satisfaction of expressing ourselves, but feelings of energy depletion, frustration, depression or regret, often follow.
Verbal expression is one of God's most beautiful gifts to us, but as this proverb indicates, words alone will not sustain us. Meaning, what we say means living what we say - hard work, yes - but as those who walk their talk know, well worth the effort.
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