The Art of Staying Still:
Listening Prayer, Part 2
God Nuggets, Issue 29
"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him ." - Psalm 37:7
In our last God Nugget, we introduced the concept of Listening Prayer, where we "rest, and stay still," in silent communion with God. But how does one pray by, in essence, doing nothing? How do we keep our mi nds and bodies still and quiet enough - for long enough - until God begins to "speak" to us?
Well, the first step is to let go of any expectations, such as thinking you must sit like a stone, without moving at all, or that your mind must be completely free of all thoughts. Move the body, if needed, let any thoughts that want to arise, do so. But then bring yourself back to listening, to waiting - and do it again, and again, and again.
One thing that really helps with this is to keep turning your attention to God by resting in the heart. You might actually place your hand on your heart, eyes closed, for a few minutes, to "anchor" your awareness of resting there. This gesture reminds you of your intention and longing to be with God; it's like a silent invocation that says, "I am here, God; I open my heart to You."
Now, let go of expectations again - this time, around how you may experience God's presence. Drop any agendas or notions of how the experience should be, but that of Be-ing with God. Then simply wait . patiently . always returning to your heart when distractions pull you away.
This is the secret to staying still before God - the "art" is in your heart!
by Lynda Terry
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