Behavior = Success
Part 2
How do we move from a "neutral" or negative state of mind to a more supportive one?
In our last issue of Keys to Success we reviewed how our state of mind (state) directly influences our behavior. A supportive state lends itself to peak performance, a winning attitude and behavior that leads to success. Likewise, a negative state of mind leads to self defeating behavior and subpar performance.
So the question to entertain this month is: how do we move from a "neutral" or negative state of mind to a more supportive one? Let me briefly offer these profound,
but simple strategies. First, our state of mind is a direct result of how we interpret events in our past and immediate environment, in other words: what we tell ourselves about, our values, others, our opportunities, etc. Does our "self talk" undermine our confidence and reinforce our doubts or insecurities? Does our internal dialogue support our beliefs - "I can do this!", "these people will listen," "I have something of value to add," "I've done this before," "God will help me," etc? The images and thoughts (negative or positive) that we translate into our internal self talk form our state of mind. Try thinking happy positive thoughts, recall a time when you really felt great, competent, loved, etc. How's your state of mind? Now think some unpleasant negative thoughts. What is your state of mind now? Case closed.
Another way to upgrade your mental state is to move your body. If you exercise regularly you'll notice that after your jog, swim or work out your mood is elevated. You'll also notice that it's hard to feel good when you're lethargic and out of shape.
Bottom line: To achieve an efficacious state of mind, carefully choose what your focus on and fill your mind with positive, reinforcing thoughts, all while enjoying a brisk walk or jog.