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Know Thyself
Steven Covey in his excellent book, First Things First, gives us a lesson on the four elements t hat make a truly successful person:
The first element is self-awareness. Amazingly few of us are aware of our own motivations, limitations, and values, and most important, the myriad of sources from which they spring. What actually drives us? What "pushes our buttons" and why? How do we impact other people? These are just a few components of self-awareness, without which truly well rounded success in all areas of life is impossible.
Number two: conscience. We can have all techniques and knowledge in the world, but if we are not guided by the truly great spiritual principles that have guided the wise from the beginning of time, we will ultimately fail in our quest to lead a full and productive life. Of course, developing our conscience turns out to be a lifelong endeavor.
Number three: willpower. How many of us actually have the self-confidence and the willpower to stand in the face of discouraging news or skepticism from others? How many of us have the determination to proceed with what's in our guts? Most of us could use a little more willpower (of course some of us could use a little less willpower too!). Wisdom is knowing when to listen to dissenting views and advice, how to weigh them carefully and then how to decide which direction to proceed. Sometimes our course may be wrong and others may be right. But more often than not, others simply don't fully comprehend the issues involved or the resources that we can bring to bear. The message here is: once having carefully weighed the alternatives - have the courage to follow your instincts.
Number four: a creative imagination. This goes beyond daydreaming. Here Covey gets into the discipline of actively praying, meditating, and "visualizing" the success of whatever particular endeavor you undertake.
This of course is just a quick glimpse of a few of the nuggets Covey offers in First Things First, which can be purchased in the God on the Net bookstore.
by CV Doner, PhD
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