Do you crave success? Are you always using words like "achievement," "triumph," "victory" and "accomplishment?" Do these concepts turn you on? Fill your tank? Excite every fiber of your being? Keep you awake at night? Do you look at the Players in your world and say to yourself, "Look-out. Here I come!" If so, then you will want to Pay Attention!
Pay attention to where the marketplace is and where it is headed.
Pay attention to the geeks in R & D.
Pay attention to how others perceive you.
Pay attention to feedback from your co-workers.
Pay attention to feedback from your customers.
Pay attention to your skill level.
Pay attention to your competitors.
Pay attention to insiders, people in the know, the "Powers That Be."
Pay attention to outsiders, outcasts, those about whom most everyone else is saying, "That idea/product will go nowhere."
Pay attention to the perceived and the potential potholes, barriers and roadblocks ahead.
Pay attention to your health: physical, psychological and spiritual.
Turn-up ALL Five of Your Senses!!
Turn up your sensory acuity.
Pay attention to all the information that is coming your way via your eyes, your ears and your physical sensations (kenisthetics).
Listen for nuances in the voices of others: nuances that can change the entire meaning of the words being spoken.
Watch for changes in skin tone and color, for dilation of eyes, for nervous twitches, for changes of posture-all of which are giving you important information.
Feel the energy of the person, the room and the deal. What is being communicated?
Visit a Ferrari show room: the aroma of Ferrari leather has been purposefully made into a scent that can be sprayed like a room freshener into the air. Wow.
Walk through the mall at Caesar's Palace: the statues and water falls, the music and the colors and the gorgeous art all arranged to captivate the senses and motivate you to stay and spend more money!
Go to a five-star restaurant. Notice the décor and the presentation of the food, listen to the music, smell the aromas, taste the food with its exquisite juxtapositions of seasonings and listen to yourself as you drive back home. Wow.
Go thou and do likewise!
How do you look?
How do you feel to others? Do people gravitate to your energy?
How do you smell?
What about the sound of your voice? Pleasing? Captivating? Take some voice lessons.
What about the décor of your office or the packaging of your product? Is it captivating? Does it thrill the senses?
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