S.M.A.R.T. Communication
When we open our mouths there should be a reason for doing so. The reason does not need to be profound, but there should be one. Maybe you simply wish to get to know a person better or cause them to feel more of a part of what's going on. The question is, are you conscious of the fact that this is your desired outcome? Further, are you paying attention to whether or not you are consistently moving in the direction of your outcome?
Just as you do not begin driving your car without a destination in mind, so you will not want to open your mouth without knowing the goal of your conversation, teaching, discussion or presentation. Without knowing precisely where you are headed, there is little opportunity to notice if your strategy is taking you in the correct direction or not. If I am not certain as to where I wish to arrive, how can I know if I am staying on course?
The clearer you are about your goals, the clearer you will be about the process and strategy that needs to be in place that will support your outcomes.
You may have heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals:
Before you begin to communicate:
Specific: What specifically is your outcome? If your outcomes are framed in generalities then the possibilities for success are diminished. What do you want to see
specifically? "I want to see the client writing a check for the product
hear them telling me how pleased they are with both the process of how we arrived at his or her decision and with the value of the product
and have them feeling that they are getting far more value than what they are paying me for." The more your mind is clear about where you are going the more faithfully your body will follow!
Measurable: Is it possible to measure progress? It is critical to the process of communication that we not only know what our final outcome is, but that we also have benchmarks along the way denoting progress toward this outcome.
Attainable: Is it something we can attain? Seeking to sell a Mercedes Benz to someone who makes very little money is not "attainable." And even if you could do so, is it desirable from the standpoint of ethics and of establishing a reputation conducive of long-term relationships?
Realistic: Is it realistic? I may have the utmost confidence in my ability to learn anything quickly, but it is unrealistic to think I can persuade someone to allow me to fly an airplane while I have no training or experience in this skill. In some cases, it is unrealistic to think that I can sell an expensive item in a matter of moments or convince a politician to change his or her long-standing position, no matter how persuasive I am.
Time-bound: What is the timetable? Quite often you will want to set a time as to when you wish to realize your outcome. I know salespeople who could achieve far greater success if they set timetables on how long they will spend on a potential sale. They are so obsessed with maintaining a high percentage of sales that they lose the increased revenues that would come with going on to the next client who showed more promise for making the sale.
Be SMART and ask yourself these questions BEFORE you begin seeking to communicate and persuade others.
by Dr. Monte E. Wilson, III
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