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Healthy Relationships > Learning & Changing > Living Rich Living Rich Living rich is loving and being loved, moving in love, being motivated by love, sharing love in little ways (sensitivity, discretion, courtesy, reciprocation, wise counsel, listening empathetically, as well as direct assistance, life saving assistance, etc.) Living rich is having friendships where you can be yourself (transparent) and where there is a mutual commitment to truth, love, honor, integrity and to each other's well being. Living rich is honoring God, your family, and the earth. Scripture tells us to honor our Father and Mother. It is appreciating the sacrifices your parents made for you and how they did the best they could, given their own background and limitations. Living rich involves being able to enjoy financial wealth by having the emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental ability to use it wisely and to enjoy it without either obsessing over the making of it or the losing of it, but to hold it freely and to appreciate it and its functionality as a tool to enhance enjoyment and to serve your life's true purpose. Living rich is enjoying a respectful, purposeful and intimate relationship with your spouse, and working together as a team to care for the part of his creation that you have authority or responsibility for or interaction with, i.e. family, finances, church, community, friends, etc. People that "live rich" see life as a mission, a purposeful series of challenges to reach an end goal of a greater good for themselves and humanity. Living rich involves celebrating life, laughing, enjoying beauty, both created by God and that created by "God's instruments," other humans, in the arts. It enjoys all of God's good creation including food and drink. It enjoys God's gift of intellect to enjoy literature and learning. Living rich involves being able to enjoy financial wealth by having the emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental ability to use it wisely and to enjoy it without either obsessing over the making of it or the losing of it, but to hold it freely and to appreciate it and its functionality as a tool to enhance enjoyment and to serve your life's true purpose. Living rich is contributing to those around you, making a difference in their lives-your friends, neighbors and family. It involves doing your very best at work, contributing ideas and positive attitude and little courtesies. Living rich is giving extra consideration to your employees, a listening ear, a kind and encouraging word, and other assistance as appropriate. How do you tell if a person is following life's principles and enjoying the "Rich Life?
Jesus said: "I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly." This article from Living Ric
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