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Healthy Relationships > Communication > Persuading Vs. Conflict Persuading Vs. Conflict Proverbs 13:2 - The good person wins their case by careful argument, not by fighting. Proverbs 13:3 - Self-control means controlling your tongue. Proverbs 15:4 - Gentle words cause life and health! Griping brings discouragement. Presumably most arguments or fights start off with one party attempting to persuade the other of the cor If we fail to present our case with carefully thought-out logical "arguments" and choose to simply vent the intensity of our feelings/emotions; if we fire back with a quick (and hurtful) zinger rather than a measured (gentle) response; if we fail to listen, in our haste to invalidate another perspective, emotions become heated, then enraged. What could have been a calm discussion based on mutual understanding (empathizing with a different perspective) and persuasion based on the merits of your case - creating a win/win situation where everyone feels they've been respectfully "heard;" instead turns into a lose/lose situation where both parties feel doubly aggrieved. A few tips
Of course, this advice is hardest to follow with husbands and wives or with your kids. Counseling on "communication skills" may be needed. by CV Doner |
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