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Healthy Relationships > Love & Intimacy > What's Love Got to Do With It? What's Love Got to Do With It?
Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. (I John 4:11) Its kinda sad when you think about it. We only have one day out of the entire year that is (supposedly) focused on the idea of highlighting love. Not that I could afford more than one Valentines day each year- in fact I wish V-Day was celebrated on February 29th that way it would only come every four years. On the other hand- for the Christian, everyday should be Valentines Day! Why? Let me explain. Someone has pointed out that we have 3 million laws established to explain only 10 commandments. But whats love got to do with it? Everything Heres why: (Warning: the following is a loose re-telling of Mark 12 you should certainly read it for yourself at some point in time) As is was with most days in the life of Jesus, there was a group of legalistic religious nuts who were fond of playing Biblical trivial pursuit wi Except for this one guy. He actually was one of the sharper knives in the drawer. His quiz question for Jesus was this: "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" Now thats a good question! After all, there are over 600 commands in the Old Testament- so since they are all from God, could there possibly be just one that outweighs them all? Jesus wasnt stumped. He didnt need a lifeline, an audience poll, or even a 50/50 split of choices. The answer was rolling off His tongue almost before the man was finished answering: "The most important commandment is this: `Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.' The second is equally important: `Love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these." (Mark 12:29-31) Christ had the answer long before the Beatles: all you need is love. Thus everyday is Valentines Day because our lives should constantly be consumed with the commitment to serve God comprehensively and completely. Your first thoughts out of bed in the morning should be- how can I demonstrate my undying love and affection to the God who created me and the Savior who ga Remember that this kind of love demands that we remain obedient even when we dont feel like it, and that the people we dislike the most are probably the ones God requires us to love the best. So how are you doing? Perhaps you are failing miserably- but dont give up! Each sunrise brings a brand new chance to be a living Valentine. Dont let the flowers of your spiritual life wilt in the vase of complacency and discouragement, commit this weekend to making the most out of your life by fulfilling the greatest commandment!
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