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Body & Spirit > Prayer > Four
Rules of Prayer
One of the first Protestant Theologians
John Calvin 1. "The first rule is that our heart and mind be composed to suitable frame, becoming those who enter into conversation with God I maintain the necessity of dismissing all foreign and external cares, by which the wandering mind may be hurried hither and thither, and dragged from heaven down to earth " 2. "Let this be the second rule: We ask with a serious and ardent desire of obtaining our request." 3. "To these must be added a third rule: That whoever presents himself before God for the purpose of praying to him must renounce every idea of his own glory." 4. "The forth and last rule is you must approach your creator with true humility. Nevertheless, we should be animated to pray by the certain hope of obtaining our request God is highly incensed by our distrust if we ask Him for blessings which we have not expectation of receiving." |
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