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Mind, Body & Spirit > Prayer > Prayers of Thanks Prayers of Thanks Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! Give thanks to the God of Gods. As the deer pants for cooling streams, we too seek the clear waters of life. Lord most giving and resourceful, I implore you; make it your will that this people enjoy the goods and riches you naturally give, that naturally issue from you, that are pleasing and savory, that delight and comfort, though lasting but briefly, passing away as if in a dream. Lord, you are full of honor and majesty. Your righteousness endures forever. You are gracious and merciful. Thank you for providing for me. You have shown the world the power of your works. Your works are faithful, just and truthful. You have redeemed us and upheld us. Your name is Holy and beyond comprehension. To know you is the begining of wisdom. Your love is immeasurable and we will praise you forever!
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