A complimentary eSeminar for God on the Net Members: | ||
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and God One
of the most grand and mysteriou "He (God) that is within you is greater than he (Satan) who is in the world." I John 4:4 "I
can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians
4: 13 None
of these assertions, of course, are saying that you are God; only that
God is in you. Have you ever met someone who
didn't appear to have this distinction down? Such people are so serious
and rarely capable of laughing at themselves: a sure sign of having
contracted the disease of arrogance. G. You
and I are humans. This is okay with God. After
all, it was God that made us this way. God
is everywhere.
In theological jargon, God is omnipresent. All of God is everywhere
at all times. "Part" of God is not over there, with another
"part" of God somewhere else. God doesn't have "parts."
God Is. Those
who are on the correct path see God everywhere and it gives them a different
perspective on life. The average person lives
in a puddle of self-importance so that when anything goes wrong it feels
like a tsunami. When those who know that they live in an ocean of God's
presence experience difficulties, it is as if a pebble just dropped
into the Atlantic Ocean. One
of the great challenges for many people who have chosen to make the
journey, is not so much that God is everywhere,
but the notion that God is within them. For these people,
God is out there, but not "in here." If this is your belief,
such a misunderstanding will rob you of the power and the wisdom needed
for your journey. "B Think
of this
listen to this
feel this
see this in your mind's
Go back and read these assertions out loud and make them personal. "The God who created the universe dwells in me God the miracle worker lives in me God the healer resides in me " Do it right now. I'll wait Do
you think that if you affirmed and confessed these truths every day,
that your perspective of yourself and your life might change? (The
caveat to these confessions, of course, is this: Have you asked God
to come into your life, yet?) A
large part of your journey is about learning to live and act in this
reality. If you see God as someone out there, life will be lived in
one way. If you see God as also living in you,
life will be lived in an entirely different manner. Let's
look at a few of these affirmations T Any
lack of creativity on our parts, whether it is in producing works of
art, solving problems at the office or creating more beauty in our relationships,
is either a matter of choice on our parts or a matter of not giving
ourselves over more fully to God, allowing Him to transform us with
His grace. Every day we should look around us and see where we can be more creative: not simply so as to be more effective and efficient, but so as to create more beauty in our world. Frequently
call on the God within you to open your eyes,
your ears, your feelings, and your capacities for tasting and smelling
to new perspectives, new juxtapositions, and new ideas. Do
this in every area of your life. God
the miracle worker lives in you. The same God who raised
Jesus Christ from the dead lives in you. The same God that parted the
Red Sea, delivering the Israelites from the Egyptians, the same God
that turned water into the very best of wines at the wedding party in
Cana, lives in you. Mind boggling, isn't it? The
God who is everywhere at all times, is in you. Feel
this. God who is right now wholly in San Francisco is also
just as wholly in Beijing, as well as on Mars. The sa Yes,
this is beyond our comprehension. Of course, if you could comprehend
God, would that be a God worthy of worship or merely a superhero worthy
of respect? God
is both above us (transcendent) and with us (immanent). God
is our Lord and our Father. He commands us and gives us the power to
obey. God is both our creator and the one who sustains us moment by
moment for our journey. Given
this reality, how is that we can ever feel or
see ourselves as being inadequate for life's challenges?
How is that we can ever say, "I am overwhelmed?" As St. John
said, as we live in (abide in) Christ and He in us, we can ask what
we wish and it will be done! (John 15) As we mature in the process of relating to God, the more fruitful and productive we become, learning how to draw on the infinite resources of our Creator and Savior. Given our Spirit-energized human potential, how is it that we so often lead such dreary lives? Given who we are, in and with God, how is it that we are not exploding with power to do good, demonstrating mercy and love? |
Lightening your load: Getting rid of that overbearing "baggage"
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