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Secrets of Successful Living
Have you ever wondered why some people seem They appear to have the "golden touch" in finances; they enjoy wonderful relationships; their health is good; they appear more youthful than their years indicate. Their attitude is vibrant, even effervescent; they actually seem to celebrate life. They are energized, rather than depressed by challenges. These people have discovered how to apply God's universal success principles for successful living. What we simply call life's secrets, or "Ground Rules." The goal of this site is to guide, encourage, and educate by placing in your hands Life's Secrets to Rich Living - Ground rules for successful living derived from God's universal principles, set into motion before creation (Proverbs 8:22 The Lord brought wisdom forth as the first of his works). These are the same principles, which have been practiced by "Wisemen" of virtually all religious traditions for thousands of years. Indeed, as the author of Uncommon Wisdom comments: "The Bible sees wisdom as the very secret of the universe (Proverbs 8:22-36) and the source of the "rules on which it works." For over three millennia, a select few utilized God's wisdom teachings to unlock Life's Secrets; the secret success formulas of life itself: for family, children, romance, friendships, health, wealth, conflict resolution, etc. To help you enjoy a purposeful, meaningful, productive, and contented life, utilizing the revolutionary advent of the Internet, God on the Net now places this same wisdom of the ages at your fingertips (both in the original form and with modern interpretation and application). What kind of results should you exp![]()
With God on the Net, you can now take advantage of life's secret success principles that previously only a highly educated few: kings, scholars, rabbis, priests, philosophers, and various wise men (and women) have previously known. You can now tap into the source of what almost every guru, motivational speaker, self help expert, or "life skill" coach has discovered-universal laws for success that God created to operate within the world, and if you let them, within yourself--all through God on the Net's free web site! What Will It Be Like if I Follow These Universal Laws?When followed they lead to a successful life-a life of abundance, productivity, a life that is emotionally and relationally rich--in short, life becomes a celebration. Work becomes fun; family is treasured, as are our friends, your senses come alive to the natural beauty of Gods creation-from a sunset to a glass of wine; from food to art; you enjoy an awareness of the unique person God created you to be, and are able to appreciate the uniqueness of others, rather that focusing on their faults. When God's life principles are ignored, failure ensues. One leads an empty, anxious, aimless, passionless, unfulfilled, numb, boring existence. You see them everyday, the "walking dead". People drowning themselves in distractions: workaholics, alcoholism, drug and sex addictions (or perhaps just the all American past time of sports and television addiction), until they can be delivered from their boredom by an early death. |
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