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W The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; our love, O Lord, endures forever - do not abandon the works of your hands. (Psalm 138:8) We have lost the sense of ultimate purpose gained over thousands of years of human life." - Emile Caillet What Is Your Ultimate Purpose? Is there any meaning to Life - to your life? Meaning is derived from accomplishing the specific purpose for which you were designed. The good news is that God actually wants you to be a success in life! We know this because God explicitly created us in His image (Genesis 1:7, 9:6) for the express purpose of taking care of His creation (Genesis 1:28-30). Since we are designed to be caretakers of His magnificent world, He obviously wants us to be successful as Jesus himself taught in the parable of the "Talents". (Mathew 25:14-40). Virtually all the world's religions agree that the ultimate purpose of a happy well lived life is to do service to God by helping others. As we succeed in carrying out our God given purpose in "stewarding" (caring for) all life, including caring for others (starting with our families), and God's physical creation (starting with our neighborhoods), we will feel increasingly productive and contented. Successfully following God's universal laws gives us true peace. (Proverbs 3:17, 12:28). We are joyful, "happy", and content when we are productive at what we were designed to do. We can have true peace of mind only when we know we're on the "right path", The more we are in touch with the Special Gift God has given us to exercise on behalf of God and others, our purpose becomes clearer, our passion builds and we find increased power to fulfill our legacy. If we ignore our gift or bury it (under a demanding gift-killing career, education, or a mountain of self accusation, shame and doubt) we deny our ultimate purpose--effectively committing spiritual suicide--our lives feels empty, meaningless, and life loses its beauty and zest, we become frustrated, depleted, and depressed. Conversely, when we begin to experience all the above we are ready to enjoy the "rich life" (physical, spiritual, emotional, and financial) that following God's rules for success provides. We are then able to freely partake (without guilt, anxiety) of the many pleasures God has created for our enjoyment: from the beauty of His natural creation to the arts; from loving to being loved, from the relaxation of play to the pleasure of productivity; from the joy of giving to the excitement of receiving. What is my Gift? "Purpose is the conscious choice of what, were and how to make a positive contribution to our world. It is the theme, quality or passion we chose to center our life around. It means being able to say "does my life matter?" The Power of Purpose by Richard J. Leider. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future " Would you like to strengthen and clarify your purpose, increasing your positive contribution ot our world? Our article, "Promises for The Journey" gives great insight for the magnificent journey that lies ahead for you, and is available to all God On The Net visitors.
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