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Foundations for Success > Get Healthy > Physical Health Physical HealthBy Monte Wilson Does This Life Matter?
Life can often be rugged and demanding. It involves working with skill, diligence and fidelity in our careers, seeking to rear good children, developing a healthy and vibrant relationship with our spouses, being a good neighbor, warring against injustice in our communities, employing our gifts in serving others and spending adequate time on our own spiritual development. How do you do all of this in a God honoring It is quite difficult to be successful when one is not feeling well. It is one thing to be inflicted with an illness I have no control over. It is different matter entirely if the illness, fatigue or weakness is due to our own neglect or abuse.
One way we can gain control over our eating habits is to fast on a regular basis. I recommend one day every month, with a special season of three days of prayer and fasting once every six months. Be sane, be wise: don't start out by going on a total fast of nothing but water. When you first start fasting, drink things like fruit juice or V-8 juice or sip on chicken broth. (Of course, if you are a diabetic or have some health problem you shouldn't fast at all without first consulting your physician.)
Few things are more incongruent (or hypocritical) than someone who says, "I'm following God" and yet their body seems to scream, "Sugar Reigns!" Spiritual health requires physical discipline. I realize that some people have certain physical maladies that make their weight a difficult challenge. I am not speaking to these people but to those who are over weight simply because they refuse to deal with themselves and to get their priorities straight. Read Part 2: Emotional Health |
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