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Successful Living >The Quest > Self Awareness
Have you ever known someone who saw himself as a real ladies man but never had a date? What about the Information Management Guru who can't hold a job longer than a year and just knows it is due to jealousy rather than the fact that he is incompetent? Or what about the individual who complains of loneliness while having offended every person who ever sought to befriend him?
The fact is that I can see myself as a loyal knight of the Round Table, but if I run from every dragon and ignore every damsel in distress and refuse to come to the defense of my fellow knights, the truth is that I am not a loyal knight. My behavior trumps my professions.
Think of your surrounding physical reality as hundreds of mirrors: most of the mirrors will be accurate, some will not. The physical universe is constantly giving you evidence as to who you really are (up until now) and what you actually are doing or accomplishing. For example, if a majority of the people-mirrors in your life respond to you as a demanding, self-centered person, although you assert your humility and see yourself as a very easy-going person, I suggest you consider the message of the mirrors.
Most people never leave their own skin. All they have ever known of themselves is what they see, hear, hear, smell, taste or feel from within their own bodies. The consequences of such a life-style are quite problematic.
The fact is that some people-mirrors are predisposed to reflecting their own presuppositions and opinions regarding who and what you are, regardless of evidence to the contrary. Such people should not be taken seriously. However, when a majority of people-mirrors in your world are reflecting the same message back to you, it would be wise to consider the feedback. The mirror of the physical universe is a gift to us. It reveals our weakness and strengths, it keeps us from illusions and it provides a constant reality-check on who and what we think we are. The trick is to remind our selves to periodically look into the mirrors!.
Have you ever been walking through a shopping mall and had the guy in front of you stop so suddenly you almost crashed into his backside? It was as if no one else existed in the mall but him. He was totally unaware that there were other people around him. What about the driver who slips across four lanes as if he were driving on his own private racetrack with no other drivers present? How many people float through their lives in just the same fashion? Knowing what to pay attention to-and when to pay attention to it-is critical to a successful journey. How many opportunities for personal growth or financial profit offers themselves to us from moment to moment do we miss because we were unaware of their presence? How often have we been scorched by a fire-breathing dragon that, had we been paying attention, we could have either killed or avoided? How many times has an individual mirrored back to us a reflection that, had we noticed, we could have changed our behavior in a way that would have been far more useful to our outcome? Observe people who really, really excel at what they do: a pianist, an actor, a parent, a golf player. At the moment they are engaged in their genius, notice something: there is only the piano, only the stage, only the child, only the next golf shot. In every way, they are in the moment. Imagine engaging yourself in this manner. What would happen?
The past does not have to dictate the future. "Once an X always an X" is not a Christian belief. Remember all those teachings about conversion, transformation and new life? "You once were this, now you are this. In the past, you chose to live one way, but now you have decided to turn and live differently." The past should not define you.
In my travels as a director of charities, I have met so many people who pass up an opportunity to do good today because they are focused on doing something "great" tomorrow. Their thoughts are all on some future desire or goal. They see the present, not as stepping-stones to the future, but as a distraction or impediment from the more important things that are about to come their way. They hope. Maybe. Possibly. Just wait you'll see.
Another assignment. The next time you take a day off, I want you to turn the voices off inside your head. You know the one's I am talking about. All those voices that talk to you about the past or future: turn them off.
Some of you are so accustomed to having a constant conversation with yourselves that you probably will have to repeatedly turn the switch down. Be quiet. Stop the chatter. When you are speaking with people, do not think about what you will say when they stop talking: simply listen to them. When you look at the world around you, do not tell yourself what it is you are looking at. Do not talk to yourself about comparisons; do not judge anything as "good" or "bad." Be quiet. Observe.
The way we often give meaning to the world around us is by saying, "This is That. This person has always been this way, so they are THIS WAY. This experience has always meant X to me, so it means X now. This is how I have responded in the past so this is how I will now respond. That is a tree a car a bird " If we turn off the voices we can be more spontaneous in the moment. We can choose how we will respond. We can see things and people and ourselves in a different light.
Is it a future fear that captivates your thoughts and writes the dialogue for the voices in your head? Specifically, what is it you fear? On a scale of 1-10, the number ten being "absolutely certain," the number one being "probably not," how do you rate your fear? What evidence do you have that will support your evaluation-what concrete evidence do you have?
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