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Successful Living > Real Life Lessons > Commitments: Transform Your Intentions into Reality Commitments: How to Transform Your Intentions into Reality
Commitment is a word we don't honor much anymore. But it really expresses one of the most valuable concepts in life. Commitment transforms our intentions into reality ; it generates actions that speak louder then words. Commitment is the stuff character is made of. It generates the power to alter events in our lives and the lives of others -in fact, to change the entire world. It makes possible the triumph of integrity over skepticism, of action over apathy, of results over procrastination. It brings congruence- closing the gap between what we say and what we actually do.
Without commitment, success is impossible .in a relationship, in business, in spiritual growth and/or in physical fitness. In fact, excelling in any endeavor-- whether sports, academics, career or personal goals-- demands commitment.
The question is, then, what does commitment demand of us? 1. Clarity Clarity answers the question, to what are we committed ? The object of our commitment (a relationship, goal, contract, way of being, etc.) must be well defined . It must be measurable, so we can hold ourselves accountable and calculate our progress (so we know where we are in relation to our commitment). 2. Promise More then anything else, a commitment involves a promise: to yourself, to God, to others. A promise, according to Noah Webster, is a binding declaration to perform (or not perform) a specified act. Now here's the key: This declaration awards to whom it is made (including yourself) the right to expect the performance promised. In other words, a commitment transforms your intentions into promises.
3. Plan To carry out your intentions to completion demands planning, which may be simple or complex, depending on the nature of your commitment. For instance, a commitment to tell the truth is hopefully less complex (although it may, in fact, be more difficult) than agreeing to raise $5,000 for your favorite charity. 4. Diligence. Realizing your promise, whether losing weight, beginning a savings account or being a more sensitive person, will demand diligence. Diligence involves paying attention, combined with discipline to work as hard as necessary to follow through with your commitment or plan. 5. Honest Accountability
If commitment involves a promise to others, they will surely monitor your performance! Even if they don't, you need to be honestly measuring how you're doing to follow through on your commitment. Being honest allows you to both assess your progress and make needed corrections. before you get too far off track. Holding yourself accountable for your progress means that you realize you are the one responsible to keep your commitment. 6. Perseverance
Keeping to a plan, being faithful to your word or promise isn't easy. Life happens. Things go wrong. Events slip out of our control. We get weary or distracted. People act up. Our faith falters. Our mood swings low. We lose energy, momentum and drive. That's where both persistence and perseverance, (which I define as persisting under great stress or duress) come into play. Clarity of why we initially made our commitment and awareness of the cost of breaking it should empower us to continue to push through the obstacles and "keep on trucking."
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