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Successful Living > Real Life Lessons >Think Before Speaking
Think Before Speaking
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." (Proverbs 15:1-2) Clearly one of God's ground rules is the same thing every good parent teaches their kids: "watch your mouth." Unfortunately, our kids are watching our example rather than listening to our words. How many times would you have been better off, if you'd actually thought for 30 seconds before speaking?Will this hurt their feelings? How would I like that said to me? Is this something I'd like to hear? Does this make me sound like an idiot? Is this how I want to represent myself? Will this motivate someone to do what needs to be done or just tick them off? Did they totally understand what I just said (before issuing your next statement); did they really "get it?"
Personally, I've found that when I speak (or e-mail) in anger, it's always a mistake and those spiteful, hurtful words uttered in a moment of irrational anger can never ever be withdrawn. Unfortunately our words, unlike a defective product, cannot be recalled: "Sorry, damaging words will be recalled and fixed." Instead we leave a loved one, friend or co-worker with permanent scarring. Angry or ugly words can wound deeply enough to guarantee us a hurtful backlash-igniting a never-ending cycle of verbal or even physical retaliation. This is how wars start, whether between nations, or people and the results are the same-devastation-emotionally, financially and even health wise. Rules to remember:
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