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Successful Living > Wisdom > Where Can I Find Wisdom?
God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy Likewise, one who seeks wisdom must search daily, from ancient scriptures, from history, from a multitude of books, articles, lectures, etc. On this website one of our primary sources for wisdom are the Hebrew "Proverbs" - meaning "rules for living to be learned and followed". Compiled 1,000 years before the birth of Christ, Proverbs has many authors - primarily David, the great king of the Jews (you know, "David & Goliath") and, his son, the world's richest, wisest Sage/King, Solomon (who also wrote the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes). Stylistically, Proverbs appears to be modeled after the Egyptian book of wisdom (1,000 B.C.), which Solomon was a student of. The authors of Proverbs represented their wisdom not only as the ultimate source of Gods rules for living, but for daily "life skills" as well, to provide the fundamental principles as well as practical advice on how to live a successful life. The Proverbs themselves plainly tell us their purpose is "to know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding, to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgment, and equity; to give prudence to the simple; to youth, knowledge and discretion" (Proverbs 1:2-4). Proverbs gives these simple steps to obtaining and mastering wisdom:
For other easily accessible sources of the wisdom of the ages, consult the book of Psalms, and Ecclesiastes - both available in our Search the Bible link. Also, consult the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. See our recommended book section.
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