Introduction to Life's Ground Rules
There are rules for every situation-so what is life's guiding principle?
Think about it. Every game, every job, every organization, every relationship, every mechanical device, every business, every science: astronomy, physics, biology, chemistry, etc., in fact, just about everything in life habits rules for success or failure. As a matter of fact, there are really two types of rules:
Ground Rules: Violate these and you are expelled from the game. These ground rules, or "universal laws" govern every game, relationship (business or personal), or science, in short, every area in human endeavor. Like gravity, they work everywhere throughout the universe on a 24-7 basis! Thus the old saying: obey the rules or "you're out"-out of a relationship, out of money, out of a reputation, out of energy, out of friends, out of a job, or just out of luck!
Rules for Success: The second type of rules shows us the best way to actually succeed at the game. Every endeavor in life-personal professional or spiritual has its rules, whether spoken or unspoken-on how to "play to win."
Following the rules brings success, pleasure, and satisfaction. (Psalm 37: 3-4, Psalm 37:23-24, Psalm 145:19, Proverbs 16:5)
Failure to follow the rules (or denying that they exist) brings failure, pain, and dissatisfaction. Most of us readily acknowledge this is so. Yet when it comes to our own life we seem to think we are the exception to the rule! We think that somehow the rules don't apply to us. But they do.
Does Breaking the Rules Really Have Consequences?
The soaring rate of divorce, bankruptcies, broken relatio nships, loneliness, and alienation testify to the fact that breaking the rules does have consequences. The increase in drug and alcohol addictions and the exponential jump in the popularity of various anti-depressants underscore the terrible toll that breaking life's rules are taking.
Many people actually choose to deny that these rules exist, but like gravity, the rules really don't care. Jump out of a ten-story building and gravity will work whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. Those who, for one reason or another, are in denial about life's rules are usually surrounded by the carnage of their own making-broken relationships, financial disaster, poor health, depression, anxiety, neurosis; you name it, they suffer from it. And then they get to be "victims" on top of all of everything else!
Conversely, those few who choose to follow both the ground rules and then move on to master the rules for success seem to have a "golden touch." They enjoy a loving family, meaningful caree rs, financial prosperity, good health, many friendships, and are full of energy, and optimism. For them, "life is good".
That is not to say that their lives are problem free. In fact, they probably have more problems than the average person (because they are doing so much more, and added activity always brings increased levels of challenges) they just know how to apply the rules of success to each new challenge.
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