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True Be
patient--your Quest is a journey. A la For
people raised with electric can openers, microwave ovens and Pentium computers,
"slow" is unacceptable. When I type in the address
of a web site I want it to pop up immediately. If it doesn't, I instantly
start making snide comments about Bill Gates or Michael Dell! However,
nothing in the realm of character maturation
transpires over night. Growing a
human being is not the same thing as building a mannequin. Mannequins
may appear to be alive, but they are unreal, plastic and lifeless. Organic
growth is a p Early
on in our journey it is tempting to become discouraged with our progress.
We want to scale the mountain by the end of the week. We want
to cross the finish line at least by this time next year! St. Paul had
it right, however: the race isn't over until you are dead. So,
given this fact of life, don't give up, don't give in, forget what lies
behind and press on toward the goal. (Philippians 3:12-14) So
many people are trapped by their past. Somewhere along the
pathway they fell down or left the path altogether for a while. This still
haunts them years later. So much so that much of their energy and focus
is on the past, rather than the present and future. However, as Paul learned,
it is best to forget the past. If you erred, if
you chose to go against what you knew to be God's will, then ask His forgiveness
and forget about it. But
there are also the temptations of success.
We make progress, we grow in a way that pleases us, attain certain skills
that, until now, we thought unattainable. Ahhh, we can now relax. No way.
We must continue to press on. There is more to learn and more life to
be had. After writing
about the day when Christ would come again, St. Paul said that, in light
of the end of days, it is important that we remain
steadfast. (I Corinthians 15:58) Being that we will give an
account for how we managed and utilized the gifts, talents, capacities
and life God had granted us, we must be unshakeable in our commitment
to remaining on the journey. S Steadfast
people are diligent. They complete projects, they finish reading
books, they keep their long-term commitments and they follow through on
their promises. Faithfulness is not proven over a period of months or
even years. Faithfulness is proven over a lifetime. Solomon wrote
that the thoughts and plans of the diligent would lead to prosperity while
those of the hasty would lead to poverty. (Proverbs 21:5) Please notice
that both the diligent and the hasty made plans. The
difference is that the diligent person carried them out. Diligent
people are not deterred by difficult circumstances. They don't
change their plans simply because some difficulties appeared. This is
not to say that we should be hardheaded and stubborn. However, we should
never give up on our goals or commitments easily. And when it comes to
following after God, it doesn't matter how costly that commitment becomes:
we should never give up. Steadfast
people are principled people. St. Paul told the Thessalonians
that they needed to first prove all things and then hold fast to what
was good. (I Thessalonians 5:21) This charge was echoed in his exhortation
to Timothy, his young disciple, to continue in the things he had learned
and been assured of. (II Timothy 3:14) The
rigors of the quest are made easier when we remain true to our principles.
Such principles are like foundations that support a building or a loadstone
of a compass that always keeps us headed in the right direction. As
y Steadfast
people are prudent people. Now there is an old stuffy word:
Prudence. But its meaning is quite relevant to our journey. Prudent people
think and plan and consider before they move. (Proverbs 22:3) Obviously
such a virtue leads to stability and steadfastness. To
be prudent is merely to have good sense. And it makes good
sense to plan for the future. This means--among other things--that you
consider how you wish to be remembered after you die. What
will your legacy be? What exactly do you want to give your
li Steadfast
people think and plan in terms of their future. Their day-to-day
decision making process is controlled and managed by their long-term goals,
vision and commitments. In my experience,
many people who have made the commitment to take
the path and follow God, to go on The Quest, at some point forget what
it is they were going after. In the beginning the vision was
so huge, the goals so motivating that they didn't want to walk down the
path, they wanted to run. But after some years passed, all that is seen
is the path and not the object of The Quest. They
have temporarily forgotten who it is they wish to become and
who it is they wish to know more intimately. This is when the path becomes
difficult. I suggest that once a month you sit down for a few hours and go over the picture or the vision of the person you wish to become. What are the values and the virtues you wish to incarnate? What is the legacy you wish to leave? What are the experiences you wish to collect, the memories you wish to have at the end of your life? How is your relationship with God progressing? Are there things you could be doing to facilitate your spiritual growth that you need to work on? Once every
few months, spend an entire day looking over and
refining your answers. Once a year, go off for a long weekend
and evaluate your progress. You
only have one life to live. Make it a work of art
a masterpiece
for God, for yourself, for your loved ones. |
Next eSession: Affirmations:
Creating Your Own Reality
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