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Prayer tips for facing "trials" and challenges

Life offers many challenges, the ultimate being death itself. We are sometimes called upon to face pain, suffering, loss, and grief that may seem impossible to handle. Prayer gives us hope and keeps us moving. Here is a formula you may use to help overcome. When confronted with a trial of any kind:

  1. Face it
  2. Lift it
  3. Commit it
  4. Release it

Let's look at each of these in more detail:

Face it. One thing that adds enormous pressure to an already tense situation is our inability to face realistically what may be happening to us. We may be:

Fearful of the outcome

Unwilling to believe the facts

Embarrassed by the conditions

Protective of ourselves or others

Denying or avoiding a problem that requires action on our part is never helpful.. Research has shown that people who do this regularly end up not coping as well. Studies of both college students and sick older adults demonstrate that those who approach their problems by avoidance and denial experience less well-being overall, compared to those who face their problems.

Lift it. After facing up to the real facts of what is happening in your life or someone else's, or in the conditions around you, and having done everything you know or can do with the help of others, you must then lift these facts above yourself to God in prayer. At that point you make a full and complete disclosure of your needs. It is helpful.