Who We Are
10 Ways God On The Net Can Help You
- Unlock Life's Secrets to Rich Living.
- Apply the Wisdom of the Ages(discretion and prudence) to everyday challenges: family, relationships, career, finance, health, etc.
- Free yourself from worry, fear and doubt, fill yourself with courage, faith and wisdom.
- Identify your ultimate purpose, and to recreate your life to be in total alignment with your purpose. Define yourself by your values and intentions, not by others expectations.
- Identify, nurture, and share the Special Gift God has given you.
- Discover and apply God's ground rules for successfully living "the abundant life" Jesus promised (John 10:10).
- Optimize your ability to take pleasure in God's creation; people, nature, art, music, literature, etc.
- Become more fully "alive," living life with purpose, passion, joy and power; as opposed to the intellectual vacuousness, emotional numbness, spiritual lethargy and lack of direction afflicting so many others.
- Create new ways to fully experience God's love, comfort, encouragement, support and wisdom, as expressed through over three thousand years of Judeo-Christian wisdom tradition. (Psalm 145:17-20)
- Enjoy true peace, prosperity, pleasure and the purpose, passion, power and productivity for which God created you. In other words, live life with joy and enthusiasm!
Inspirational Series
Weekly Quotes
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