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To Have a Better Week: Ask Better Questions.
God Nuggets, Issue 5
To lift yourself out of the doldrums or to break the cycle of useless negative questions (why is my life/job so boring, why am I not making more money, why aren't my relationships better, why am I so unhappy - so overweight etc.) shift your attention to what's great in your life.
How do you do that? Simple, ask your self these questions:
- What am I excited about in my life? (your children's activities, an anticipated vacation, a new book to read, a new hobby, spiritual growth, whatever).
- What am I grateful for? (Family, friends, God's blessings). Make a list of all the good things that have happened in the last year.
- What am I proud of? (accomplishments, relationships, your impact on other people, your values and integrity, etc.)
If you'll focus on these, you'll notice a dramatic change in the way you think about yourself and your week.
To a large degree, the quality of your life really depends on the kind of questions you ask yourself. That's because the "answers" we make up about ourselves, others, our day and our future are entirely dependent on the questions that we are asking ourselves. The "answers" we get (our ideas about our self, our future reality, etc.) dictate what we focus on. What we focus on then sets our emotional tone or mood.
For more ideas on how to ask yourself better questions see "Asking Better Questions" in our Real Life Lessons section of
by C.V. Doner
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