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Your DNA Is a Song
National Geographic did a story recently about "DNA music". The idea is that each DNA molecule makes a unique "sound" that can be translated into musical notes. Since each of us has a unique combination of DNA molecules (our "genetic blueprint"), we each represent a unique musical composition - or song.
In other words, you make a song that no one else makes. Actually, you're an amazingly beautiful, complex and very long symphony: if all of your DNA was unpacked and stretched out, it would reach from here to the sun and back 30 TIMES.
It's sort of an amazing way to look at the life of a child: as a uniquely beautiful symphony full of secret notes and hidden complexities and untold treasures that can only be revealed through that child's unfolding life. If that life is snuffed out, their song is silenced and all the music they were created to make is lost to this world's realm. If we were more sensitive to the Life that vibrates all around us, we would feel their loss much more keenly than we do. To borrow the words of Obi-Wan, we would "sense the disruption in the Force." We are more connected to one another than we know.
The songs of thousands of children are being snuffed out every day, and we are all poorer for it.
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