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Where Can I Find Wisdom?
"God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy" - Ecclesiastes 2:26
The Book of Proverbs tells us to "search for [wisdom] as for hidden treasure." What would you do if you knew that somewhere in your backyard was "hidden treasure?" You'd sift very carefully through every inch of ground until you found it. This project would become your top priority. You'd undoubtedly be excited to wake up every day and resume your quest.
Likewise, one who seeks wisdom must search daily, from ancient scriptures, from history, from a multitude of books, articles, lectures, websites, etc. Or, if you can't spare the extra five to 10 hours a week required, log on to God on the Net to receive free weekly "inspirations" as well as many of our other features derived straight from the wisdom of the ages!
At God on the Net, one of our primary sources for wisdom is the Hebrew "Proverbs"-meaning "rules for living to be learned and followed." Compiled 1,000 years before the birth of Christ, Proverbs has many authors-primarily David, the great king of the Jews (the same David of "David & Goliath" fame) and his son, the world's richest, wisest sage/king, Solomon (who also is credited with writing the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes). Stylistically, some of the ancient scriptures appear to be modeled after the Egyptian book of wisdom (1,000 B.C.), which Solomon reportedly had studied.
The authors of the Proverbs represented their wisdom not only as the ultimate source of God's rules for successful living, but also as the ultimate source for daily "life skills," to provide fundamental principles along with practical advice on how to live a successful life.
The ancient Hebrew Scriptures give these simple steps toward obtaining and mastering wisdom:
- Respect God and His rules. Have faith (confidence) that God will do what He promises
- Be a diligent "student." "Study" doesn't mean to simply "gloss over," but implies using all the resources available to give you a better understanding of how to apply what you learn. Think carefully about what you ascertain. "Be a scientist" and observe how these rules work in your life-or others' lives. Meditate on the underlying principles. Pray for insight.
- Be determined. "Searching for treasure" can be work, but don't give up. Be persistent. The reward is well worth it!
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